One of our star Feathers is the Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather - with the fabulous ESP32 WROOM module on there, it makes quick work of WiFi and Bluetooth projects that take advantage of Espressifs most popular chipset. Recently we had to redesign this feather to move from the obsolete CP2104 to the available CH9102F and one thing led to another and before you know it we made a completely refreshed design: the Adafruit ESP32 Feather V2.
The V2 is a significant redesign, enough so we consider it a completely new product. It still features the ESP32 chip but has many upgrades and improvements:
However, in order to add the PSRAM, and use the new Pico module which was small enough to allow all the fun extras, some of the breakout pads have changed, so here's what you need to know:
That module nestled in at the end of this Feather contains a dual-core ESP32 chip, 8 MB of SPI Flash, 2 MB of PSRAM, tuned PCB antenna, and all the passives you need to take advantage of this powerful new processor. The ESP32 has both WiFi and Bluetooth Classic/LE support. That means it's perfect for just about any wireless or Internet-connected project.
Because it's part of our Feather eco-system, you can take advantage of the 50+ Wings that we've designed to add all sorts of cool accessories. Plus that built in battery charging and monitoring you know and love with the ESP32 Feather is still there in this upgrade.
Comes fully assembled and tested, with a USB interface that lets you quickly use it with the Arduino IDE or the low-level ESP32 IDF. We also toss in some header so you can solder it in and plug into a solderless breadboard. Lipoly battery and USB cable not included (but we do have lots of options in the shop if you'd like!)
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Este kit de ciudad inteligente se puede usar para diferentes proyectos como estacionamiento inteligente, red de transporte y monitoreo del nivel del río, etc. Se adapta a la programación gráfica de Makecode, los niños pueden usar un ...
Compatible con Raspberry Pi mediante HDMI Requiere alimentador 12V 1A Jack 5.5x2.1mm Positivo Interior (no incluido)50% DESCUENTO SOLO hasta fin de existencias. Añade el producto al carro y ...
Con esta Shield se puede hacer fácilmente una Estación Meteorológica con Arduino ya que incorpora sensor de humedad, barométrico y de luz. Videos ...
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These stackable headers are made to work with the SparkFun ESP32 Thing Plus to connect to shield with a Feather footprint. This set includes one 12-pin and one 16-pin header; the ...
Este portapilas esta diseñado específicamente para la placa BBC Micro:bit y tiene un cable de 150mm con el conector ...