The Modulo Invention Kit is a massive upgrade from its little sibling, the Gizmo Kit. The Invention Kit includes everything the Gizmo offers, plus additional components for getting started with robotics! This kit even provides you with a great starting point to begin experimenting with the Particle Photon!
Each Invention Kit comes with both the Modulo Controller (for programming your project in Arduino and Python) and a Particle Photon (for creating Internet-connected projects using the Particle IDE). In addition to all of the components of the Gizmo Kit, you will find a motor driver board, protoboard, LCD module, joystick module, micro servo module and cables to give some of your parts distance from the Modulo base. All modules can hook into a base board at once, so you won’t find yourself with any shortage of real estate.
Modulo hardware makes it a breeze to assemble the electronics for a project, and we want to make writing software for it as easy as possible too. The provided libraries for Arduino, Python and Particle will help you do just that. You never have to worry about pin numbers, registers or other low-level details. Simply create objects for each Modulo and interact with them in a straightforward and intuitive way.
Kit Includes:
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