Description: Get your PIC or other uC talking to your computer fast and easy with this board! This is a small custom PCB developed to connect the UART on a microcontroller directly to the computer without the hassle of a MAX232 circuit. Almost all current computers (less than 10 years old) utilize a serial port based on the EIA-232 standard which operates from +/-3-12V rather than the RS232 standard of +/-12V. This board takes signals from the computer/microcontroller and correctly inverts and amplifies the serial signals to the EIA-232 standard. Works great up to about 38400bps. Originally designed to get Bloader working in a bread-board setup, we use our Shifter at 115200bps without problems.
Comes as a bag of parts kit and is easily assembled if you can follow the silkscreen indicators and have beginning experience with a soldering iron.
Checkout our soldering tutorial to assemble this device.
Documents: Schematic
Dimensions: 1.25x1.15"