Serial Miniature OLED Module - 0.96" (uOLED-96-G2 GFX)

72.67€ con IVA
Referencia: SPRKC-LCD-11315
Fabricante: Sparkfun

The uOLED-96-G2(GFX) is a compact and cost effective display module using the latest state of the art Passive Matrix OLED (PMOLED) technology with an embedded GOLDELOX-GFX2 graphics processor that delivers ?stand-alone? functionality to any project. Powerful graphics, text, image, animation and countless more features are built inside the GOLDELOX-GFX2 chip.

The module is designed to work out of the box and you are now ready to write your code in 4DGL (a high level 4D Graphics Language) using the 4DGL-Workshop3 IDE (editor, compiler and downloader). This will save weeks even months of development time on your next embedded graphics project.

4DGL is a graphics oriented language allowing the developer to write applications in a high level language, syntax similar to popular languages such as BASIC, C and Pascal. The module offers modest but comprehensive I/O features that can interface to serial, analogue, digital, buttons, joystick, sound generation and Dallas 1-wire devices.

In short, the uOLED-96-G2(GFX) offers one of the most flexible embedded graphics solutions available.



  • 96 x 64 resolution, 65K true to life colors, PMOLED screen
  • 0.96? diagonal size, 32.7 x 26.7 x 5.7mm. Active Display Area: 20mm x 14mm
  • No back lighting with near 180° viewing angle
  • Easy 10 pin interface to any external device:
    • 3.3Vout, IO2, GND, IO1, RESET, GND, RX, TX, +5V, 5V OUT.
  • Powered by the 4D-Labs GOLDELOX-GFX2 graphics processor highly optimized for 4DGL, the high level 4D Graphics Language
  • 2 x GPIO port supports:
    • Digital I/O
    • A/D converter with 8/10 bit resolution
    • Complex sound generation
    • Dedicated RTTTL tune engine
    • Multi-Switch Joystick, Buttons
    • Dallas 1-Wire
  • 10K bytes of flash memory for user code storage and 510 bytes of RAM for user variables (255 x 16bit vars)
  • 1 x Asynchronous hardware serial port, TTL interface, with 300 baud to 600K baud.
  • On-board micro-SD memory card adaptor for storing of icons, images, animations, etc. Supports 64MB to 2GB micro-SD memory cards.
  • Comprehensive set of built in high level 4DGL graphics functions and algorithms that can draw lines, circles, text, and much more.
  • Display full colour images, animations, icons and video clips.
  • Supports all available Windows fonts and characters (imported as external fonts)
  • 4.0V to 5.5V range operation (single supply)


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