Description: The serial enabled LCD allows you to control a parallel based LCD over a single-wire serial interface. Included in this product is a red on black 16x2 LCD connected to our serial backpack. The backpack, based around a PIC16LF88, takes a TTL serial input and prints the characters it receives onto the LCD. The installed firmware allows for a number of special commands so you can clear the screen, adjust the backlight brightness, turn the display on/off, and more.
Communication with SerLCD requires 3.3V TTL serial at a default baud rate of 9600bps (8-N-1). You can adjust the baud to any standard rate between 2400 and 38400bps. The power, ground and RX pins are all broken out to a 3.5mm pitch screw terminal.
SerLCD has the ability to dim the backlight to conserve power if needed. There is also a potentiometer on the backpack to adjust the contrast.
Note: Though the silkscreen may say '5V', this is a 3.3v Serial LCD. Connect to a 3.3v power source.
Dimensions: 1.425x3.15" - 1" Thick
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