These are sealed, addressable 1-meter-long 5V white tri-color LED strips that come packed with 60 SK6812 5050 LEDs. Each of these strips is enclosed by a flexible silicon jacket with an IP65 waterproof rating to protect your precious LEDs. Unlike our other addressable LED strips, this version does not feature RGB LEDs. Instead, you will be able to change each LED to provide a unique warm white, cool white, or amber combination. You will be able to control each LED individually, which gives you the ability to create cool lighting effects for your car, fish tank, or perhaps under-cabinet lighting in your kitchen!
These LED strips use a data transmission frequency of 800Kbps with their refresh rate set at 30 frames per second.
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Description: This set of sewing needles is a must-have when stitching together your next e-textile project. Each envelope contains three 48mm, 1.23mm thick needles and two smaller 39mm, 0.67mm thick needles. The eye ...
La BBC micro:bit v2 es una computadora de bolsillo que te permite ser creativo con la tecnología digital. ¡Puedes codificar, personalizar y controlar la micro:bit desde cualquier lugar! Puedes usar tu micro:bit V2 para todo tipo de ...
Este kit incluye: Micro:bit V2 Cable USB corto Portapilas para 2 pilas AAA 2 pilas ...
Funda de Protección Traslúcida de Tacto Suave para Micro:bit V2 ...
Cable USB estándar de 15 cm. de largo. ideal para la placa ...
El robot Smart Cutebot es un coche inteligente de tracción trasera impulsado por dos motores de alta velocidad. El Cutebot tiene muchos extras incorporados, como un sensor ultrasónico y un sensor de distancia, dos LED RGB y luces de ...